Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Works in Progress

Here's some things I've been working on:


This is Camile. She is a 2009 Tonner Tyler doll. I bought her for my Daughter for Christmas. The above picture is after she got the full spa treatment. I lightly permed her hair. Removed all factory paint and repainted her with artist quality acrylics. My daughter loved her on Christmas day and immediately combed her hair straight. Gotta love little girls. I got bored one day and did a photo shoot with Camile in a silly outfit I made. Eat your heart out Tyra!

This is Shady, she's is the Beast Master of the Cirque Noir (Dark Circus) Eventually the Cirque Noir will be a whole collection of Dolls, but for now I am just trying to find the time to finish Shady. As with all of my dolls, Shady's been stripped of factory paint and repainted. She was originally a Collector's Edition Disco Barbie. Her hair has been restyled.


Also, I have been working on an outfit for my Contest winning Tonner Doll, Shaelynn. It's still a work in progress. I am trying to design what I seen in my mind. Her gauntlets and belt are tooled leather.

I have gotten my hands on a few more Tonner dolls at discount prices. Here are two more of my new 16" DollsThe Brunette is Jezebel. She's been going through many changes.  This is Jezebel's first face painting. - Face Painting #2 and almost completed outfit. Unfortunately, she is in the middle of face painting #3, but I am happy with the current face painting, I just need to give her some pupils and I will be done and can move on to finishing her outfit and shoes. I have three more 16" dolls who are in need of faces, a huge box of faceless Barbie dolls, and a notebook of ideas....so many dolls so little time. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Catalina on Dia De Los Muertos

This is my latest finished doll. This Piece is called Catalina on Dia De Los Muertos (or Day of the Dead). This doll was a Mattel Disney Pocahontas Doll. All Factory Make-up has been removed and she's been given an extreme makeover.

Below her stand is all hand made with Polymer Clay and wood. The head stone was created with two part epoxi clay and hand carved and painted.